
  • Utskrift


Berntsen EM and Håberg AK (2012) Resection of brain lesions: use of preoperative functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor tractography. In (Hayat MA, ed.) Tumors of the Central nervous System, Vol 4 (Chapter 23, pp. 227-240), Springer


Håberg A, Sonnewald U, Hammer J, Torun Melø, Haytham Eloqayli (2012) 13C NMR Spectroscopy as Tool in Neurobiology. In (Choi I-Y and Gruetter R, eds.), Neural Metabolism In Vivo, Advances in Neurobiology 4 (Chapter 8, pp. 221-253), Springer.


Håberg AK (2012) Hippocampusformasjonen: struktur og funksjon. In Nevropsykiatri (Fladby, Andersson S, Gjerstad eds.) (Chapter 7, pp. 73-80), Gyldedal norske forlag.



Sonnewald U, Hammer J, Håberg A (2010). 13C NMR Spectroscopy as Tool in Neurobiology. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry & Molecular Biology Vol. 5.



Sonnewald U, Håberg A, Haraldseth O, Müller TB, Unsgård G (1996) Glial/neuronal interactions studied by MRS of rat brain after MCAO. In: Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia. (Kriegelstein J, ed), pp. 285- 290 Stuttgart, Medpharm.